What is PIP?

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage is the portion of a car insurance policy that provides medical expenses and work loss coverage for you and your passengers after a car accident, regardless of fault. PIP coverage is often a requirement in “No-Fault” states, as it covers your injuries, no matter who caused the accident.



You might choose PIP insurance if…

  • You commonly drive with passengers in your vehicle who could hold you responsible for their medical expenses if they were injured in an accident.
  • You don’t have an excellent health insurance plan. Comprehensive health insurance coverage renders PIP or medical car insurance less necessary. If in doubt, check with your healthcare provider.

PIP offers vital protection from costly medical expenses after an accident. Because it’s such an important coverage, check the specifics of your health insurance plan and work-loss coverage, if you have these, to determine how much PIP coverage to add to your car insurance policy. Check to see how your health plan, in particular, handles expenses after a car accident.


Personal injury protection coverage is available only in certain states. Though the specifics can vary greatly by state, PIP generally covers you, drivers listed on your policy, and your passengers.


In case of an accident-related injury, personal injury protection can cover:


Medical expenses: medical and surgical treatment, dental and optometric treatment, ambulance and nursing services, medication, medical supplies, and prosthetic devices

Lost wages (in some cases): if you or your passengers are unable to work due to accident-related injuries, PIP can help you recover lost wages

Substitute services (in some cases): if accident-related injuries keep you or those covered from performing household tasks, like cleaning, PIP helps pay for substitute services, like a cleaning crew

Funeral expenses (in some cases): if accident-related injuries result in death, PIP can help pay for funeral expenses


In which states is PIP insurance required?

Twelve states require some level of personal injury protection (PIP) coverage: Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, and Utah.